No on Prop 10 Overwhelmingly Prevails

Wednesday, November 14, 2018
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Attention: All Associates

After a thorough No on Prop 10 campaign, Essex leadership gathered to watch the poll results come in on Tuesday, November 6th

Though the issues around Prop 10 were complex and not always intuitive, in the end, the effort of educating voters about the potential effects of a "yes" vote paid off, and Prop 10 was met with an overwhelming "no" from California voters. 

John Eudy, the No on Prop 10 Committee Co-Chair and our Essex Chief Investment Officer summed up the victory stating, "The committee is so pleased that we could effectively communicate the message that the passing of Prop 10 would only make a bad problem worse. The voters understood this complicated issue and made their voices heard loud and clear on election day."

Tuesday, November 13, 2018 - 19:31

Last updated:
November 28, 2018