New Maintenance Apparel Ordering Is Open Now

Printer-friendly versionPDF version Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Attention: All Maintenance Associates

Ordering begins now and ends November 30th for new apparel selections.

Essex is expanding our partnership with ICO to offer new apparel selections for our Maintenance associates. This change comes as the result of associate feedback and from the success of testing the new apparel at pilot communities.
This will move us from our current model of “renting” garments with Unifirst to a “purchase” model similar to our Admin Apparel program that will allow associates the freedom to purchase and launder clothing to their preference.

Please see your Community Manager to fill out your apparel selections before November 30, 2018.

You can read about the new color schemes, view the new catalog of apparel choices, and review the program guidelines on the Maintenance Apparel Buzz page.
Each Maintenance associate will receive an email to acknowledge that they have read and agree to the new guidelines through Learning Bridge. 
For questions about the new apparel program, contact

Wednesday, November 7, 2018 - 18:37

Last updated:
November 21, 2018