Register to Vote and Let Your Voice Be Heard!

Wednesday, October 10, 2018
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Attention: All California Associates

When Do I Vote?

A friendly reminder to register to vote if you have not done so already.

This is of particular importance in California as Essex is part of a broad-based coalition including veterans, seniors, affordable housing developers, civil rights groups and others opposed to Proposition 10, that is on California’s November 6 ballot.

California state elections will be held on Tuesday, November 6, 2018. Voting by mail begins mid-October. If you are not already registered, you must register by October 22, 2018, and may do so here:

What Is Prop 10?

California Proposition 10 is a statewide ballot initiative that would repeal the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act, a decades-old law which provides guidelines for what can and cannot be included local rental laws. Specifically, Costa Hawkins prevents permanent price caps on rent for housing and exempts new construction and single-family homes and condos from being under price controls.

Read more about Essex’s stance on Prop 10 in this Buzz article.

Questions About Prop 10?

Please submit your questions about Prop 10 to Your questions will remain anonymous. We will be providing more information and addressing questions you have regarding this important topic in the coming days and weeks.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018 - 11:08

Last updated:
November 07, 2018