Deposit Accounting Processes Refresher

Printer-friendly versionPDF version Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Attention: All CMs, ACMs, Bookkeepers, and Leasing Agents

Performing these actions will assist Collections in reviewing and finalizing accounts with minimal need to contact the properties for additional information. 
The major things we need you to make sure to complete are:

  • Finalizing Deposit Accounting within the 11 days required with as few errors as possible. 
  • In some instances, DAs are not being done because invoices are unavailable.  You can always do an "Estimate" on the ledger and adjust when final charges are received.  Just estimate high and note on the ledger *Estimate*.
  • Please keep an eye on your dashboards as they will notify you of Deposit Accounting that has not been completed.
  • Deposit Accounting files should be attached when Deposit Accounting is completed.  Collections needs these files to be able to respond to past resident requests and Deposit Accounting needs them to be able to process refunds.  Make sure that everything outlined on the Deposit Accounting checklist is included and use the drop-down box when attaching to designate Deposit Accounting files and/or Lease files.
  • Always check the ledger and match against the Preliminary Move Out Statement.  If they are not the same, or if the Prelim MOS says Amount Due (x.xx), there is an error and it MUST be corrected.
  • If a resident is Rent Responsible always follow the directions on the flyer below to fill out the Rent Responsible Field in Yardi.  In addition, please review (and print if wanted) the second flyer that helps explain when to use this field.
  • If the resident account ends with a balance less than $50, please follow the Deposit Accounting guidelines and zero out the account.

Please review the Deposit Accounting Process and Past Resident Collections Process for specific directions and further information.

 Rent Responsibility Dates Flyer
 Rent Responsibility Date in Yardi

Please contact with questions.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018 - 15:38

Last updated:
January 31, 2019