L.A. Corporate Celebrates Friday Fruitopia

Wednesday, August 8, 2018
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Attention: All Associates

The Woodland Hills corporate office beat the recent 115-degree July heat by celebrating a very refreshing "Friday Fruitopia" event.

Office Manager, Sherri Chesnutt, let her creative juices flow by assembling a spectacular selection of sweet (and healthy!) treats. Snacks included "dolphin" bananas swimming in a blue raspberry pool of jello, watermelon "pizzas" dusted with feta cheese and black Hawaiian salt, frozen banana pops dipped in chocolate and dusted with sprinkles, and much more.

Thanks, Woodland Hills for sharing this fun event, and hats off to Sherri for her amazing culinary creations!

Friday, August 3, 2018 - 14:32

Last updated:
August 24, 2018