The 2015 Service Relay

Printer-friendly versionPDF version Tuesday, September 15, 2015

E-Team members are in peak condition after walking thousands of steps over the last few months. Little did you know that your endurance is about to be tested in our newest challenge, the Service Relay!
We want to give you $500,000 in the 4th Quarter!
What is the Service Relay? Simply put, it’s a good ol’ fashioned customer service contest. Like Mom always says, “treat people how you would like to be treated.”
Who participates? Every community associate and all corporate associates below the director level. After all, customer service is not a department but a part of everyone’s job. We all rely on one another to deliver fantastic customer service, so let’s do this together!
How does it work?  Each division (PNW, Northern CA, LA/Ventura, OC/IE and San Diego) will be challenged to raise their Kingsley Overall Satisfaction Scores. The relay lasts until 11-30-15.
Below are the YTD results through August. We will have until November 30 to meet or exceed the minimum YTD scores (the goal) listed below in orange.

Region Metric YTD score as of 11/23/15 Change since last week Minimum YTD score (Goal) by 11/30/15
Kingsley Index Overall Satisfaction 4.14
Essex Portfolio Overall Satisfaction 3.91 0.00 > 3.98
Orange County & Inland Empire Overall Satisfaction 3.98  +0.01 > 4.03
Northern California Overall Satisfaction 3.90 +0.01 > 3.96
Pacific Northwest Overall Satisfaction 3.97 0.00 > 4.04
San Diego Overall Satisfaction 3.84 0.00 > 3.90
LA & Ventura Overall Satisfaction 3.85 0.00 > 3.93

Show me the money!

  • Field associates: If the company and each major division achieves the minimum YTD score (goal) of the Kingsley Overall Satisfaction, a bonus of $300 will be paid to each eligible associate in the qualifying division. To spice it up a bit, if the company score is at or above the goal but a division did not achieve their overall satisfaction score, that division will forfeit their prize, and these funds will be split among the divisions that did obtain theirs.
  • Corporate associates will qualify for the bonus as long as the YTD Essex Portfolio Overall Satisfaction score is at or above the goal on November 30.

How can I increase my score? We want everyone to increase their score, so each week throughout the contest we’ll share tips and tricks. When in doubt, remember to keep it simple, smile, and say, “Yes I can!” Share your weekly triumphs with us via Speak Up!, and we’ll share these inspiring stories with the E-team.
You can also view tips and tricks on the wiki at:
Employees must be employed with Essex at time when bonus is paid. New associates and associates on LOA will be awarded a prorated share based on the time they worked during the challenge. Bonuses will be processed and paid once the results are in during December.
We really want to give you that $500,000. Don’t be afraid to share your tips and tricks.  It takes a team effort to get big results!  We’d also like for you to know that we all support your efforts to provide an AWESOME MEMORABLE CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE every day.  If you know that something is the right thing to do and you are a little nervous about the budgetary impact your decision might make, talk to your supervisor!  We know you’re passionate about your residents and equally passionate about your financials (which we appreciate).   
More to come soon!

Last updated:
November 24, 2015