Yardi Upgrade News: Voyager 7S has landed!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017
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We're thrilled to announce that the Yardi upgrade is complete! Together, we achieved our goal of implementing Yardi Voyager 7S across the entire portfolio.

Furthermore, this upgrade supports our long-term goals of having a world-class operating system and improving operational processes. 

Launch day also happens to be Valentine's Day. Call it a coincidence, but we think you’re going to fall in love with Yardi 7S!  

Continue reading to see what the E-Team loves about Yardi 7S, review required action items,  and explore all of the support resources available.

Plus, we have lots of love for our project team. When you see these people today, give them a high-five and say thanks for all their hard work! 


Topics in today's Yardi Upgrade News
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  Tell us what you love about Yardi 7S

What's your favorite feature of the upgraded Yardi? Is it the role-specific dashboards? The easy-to-use hot keys and favorites? The clean interface? We could go on for days, but we want to know what you think! 

Tell us what you love about Yardi 7S, and any tips you have discovered. Your best tips and "love letters" will be featured on Buzz along with a shout-out! Send this to Communications@essex.com with the subject line "What I love about Yardi 7S."

Here's what the E-Team is saying about Yardi 7S so far:
Having a PO option in work orders will help a lot. It's Yarditastic!
-Reza Boroumand, Senior Maintenance Supervisor, BellCentre

Using Yardi 7S is easy-peasy.
-Anthony Sanfilippo, Maintenance Supervisor, Pinnacle at Fullerton

In my classes I kept hearing things like “this is so much better,” “this is amazing,” and “I cannot wait until this goes live next week!”
-Amber Carlo, Manager, Learning & Development

I spoke with the super user team and they are IN LOVE!
-Tanya Arcilla, Area Manager II

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 Action Items: Post-outage

Now that Yardi is once again available, there are several post-outage action items for on-site teams to complete.

Please review the Consolidated Action Items article to ensure that all information is properly updated.

For your convenience,  post-outage action items are highlighted in green.

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 Yardi 7S Support Resources

Got a Yardi question? We encourage you to troubleshoot on your own before escalating questions to our Yardi Support Team. Follow this escalation workflow to resolve your Yardi 7S questions:

Step 1:  Yardi Search Feature. Yardi 7S has improved search functions to help you find what you're looking for.  Use the menu search to search all options within your role.

Step 2: Ask an E-Team associate. Help one another! We bet that someone on your team can answer your question.

Step 3: Reference Yardi eLearning. Access these interactive courses in Yardi LMS through Okta Single Sign-On.

Step 4: Yardi Job Aids. All Yardi job aids are conveniently located on Buzz under Training > Job Aids > Yardi Job Aids

Navigate to this page in one click with the shortcut located at the top, right-hand side of Buzz.

Step 5: Contact Yardi Support. Are you still stumped after exhausting steps 1-4? No problem! Contact the Yardi Support Team at AST@essex.com

Bonus Resource: Reset your Yardi password with the Self-Service Portal. 
Did you know that your Essex login credentials (username and password) are the same as what you’ll need to access Yardi 7S? >Did you also know that with the Essex self-service portal you can easily reset your password and unlock your account any time, any place?

It's true! Details on how to register for the Self-Service Portal are in this Buzz article.

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 Reporting any upgrade issues

As with any big launch, while our team did their best we still expect some issues to occur at the outset. To support our teams, we're updating the Buzz page Yardi Upgrade Open Requests & Resolutions in real time with any known upgrade issues.

Please check this page to review issues that have already been reported, along with any interim workaround instructions, and the final resolution. If your issue has not yet been reported, then we encourage you to submit a ticket. Review the full details here.

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 Kudos to the project team!

The completion of this project required the dedication of numerous associates, and we'd like to extend to these individuals our sincere gratitude for their support of the Yardi upgrade. Together, these contributions were imperative to the success of this project and the entire E-Team. Let's give a big round of applause for these associates!

A BIG Round of Applause for ...
Adrian Rusgal
Adrian  Szabo 
Adriana  Ward
Alan Beard
Alice Mallari
Amber Carlo
Amy Larson
Amy Diep
Amy Smith
Anibal Mendoza
Anne Diaz
Aubrey Chapin
Ben Reyes
Bhawana Srivastava
Carrie Hill
Charles Ratner
Christina Ingersoll
Christine Aiello
Colin Cramer
Courtney Hess
Courtney Trindell-Reyes
Cynthia Cifuentes
Dane Sydow
Danny Viera
Dashiell Aromin
David Pitts
Davina Slusher
Dawn Hickman
Deanna Nava
Debbie Green
Debi Bruce
Devon Cunningham
Elizabeth  Arcia
Elizabeth  Lopez
Enrica Garrino
Erika Gomer
Eunice Ginn
Eunice Ginn
Fabian Garcia
Geoffrey Burk
Henry Aguilar
Jai Song
James Zhou
Jameson  Atlas
Jason Mesa
Jennifer Zhao
Jennifer  Fougere
Jeremy Muhlgay
Jermaine Dukes
Jonas Bordo
Jose Gomez
Julie Workman
Kaeleigh McHenry
Karen Wilson
Karen Seeman
Katie Yen
Kayla Bremser
Kayla Stevens
Kori Freeman
Kristy Graham
Kutaza Genama
Lala Shadkamyan
Leonora Daez
Lex Ratcliffe
Lidiya Alexander
Linda Wu
Lisa Barker
Liz Rodriguez
Luz Elena Sandoval
Lori Stone
Malu Gonzales
Mary McKinny
Mary Quinn
Mary Walton
Mayte Nieto
Meabelyn Marroquin
Melissa Downs
Melissa  Gerard
Michael Karavdic
Michael Prescott
Michael Young
Mike Injayan
Monica Wright
Monique Doyle
Nadine Pappas
Nancy Catilo
Nancy Godsk
Naomi Falkner-Rose
Naree Heitz
Niki  Lundsford
Rebecca Harvey
Reza Boroumand
Ric Nunogawa
Robelyn Pelayo
Robert Rawstron
Roshni Padhya
Sarah Judd
Scott Nicoll
Seda Nazaryan
Shannen  Floyd 
Sheena Davis
Shirley Sonsip
Stephanie Catanach
Steven Milbourn
Steven Steele
Summer Swenson
Tami Whalen
Tanya Arcilla
Tanya Jacops
Toby Pennycuff
Tony Sanfilippo
Trissie Nguyen
Truong Tran
Victor  Nguyen

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Questions or Feedback?

We want to hear from you! You’re always welcome to send questions and comments to Communications@essex.com.

Stay tuned for more!

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Monday, February 13, 2017 - 12:30

Last updated:
March 01, 2017