Yardi Upgrade News

Wednesday, October 26, 2016
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Recently we shared further details of our plan to implement Yardi Voyager 7S across the entire portfolio in Q1 of 2017. As we approach this target, we’ll continue sharing regular updates with you via email and Buzz. Scroll down to learn about our exciting project updates!

Got Feedback?
Remember to share your Yardi frustrations with us in our questionnaire.

You’re always welcome to send questions and comments to Communications@essex.com.  

Testing is on schedule
We’re happy to report that thanks to our diligent associates, we’re still on track to complete testing by our November 18 target. Thanks again to the many associates who are assisting with this very important task. 

Yardi 7S enhancement we’re excited for: Seamless PayScan access
We’re excited about Yardi 7S’s ability to provide you with seamless PayScan access!
PayScan Access: Before
Today in Yardi, there are two steps you must take to launch PayScan: First click “Go To PayScan.” The next screen will ask you to “Click here to launch PayScan.” Wait, aren’t those basically the same two commands? After you’ve clicked two different links, take out your stopwatch and see how long it takes for PayScan to launch! 

PayScan Access: After
Say goodbye to those redundant steps! With the upgrade, you can easily access PayScan in one easy step! Just select PayScan from the "Roles" dropdown menu. Voila! PayScan will launch within Yardi, all in the same window, saving you time and headache.

What else is cool about this seamless PayScan experience?
Glad you asked. The answer is ... shortcuts! Since PayScan will be fully integrated into Yardi, you’ll be able to apply other handy features of 7S like creating a shortcut. To access frequently used menu items in a jiffy, right click on a menu item and select “Add to Favorite” or “Add Hotkey” to assign. Once you’ve customized your favorites and hotkeys, you’ll be able to save time and avoid the frustration of hunting for ‘buried’ menu items. 


Wednesday, October 26, 2016 - 11:30

Last updated:
November 09, 2016