Yardi Application Updates

Thursday, March 9, 2017
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Attention, Essex Associates
We have three important updates for you regarding Yardi 7 applications. Please see below for more details. If you have any additional questions, please contact the Application Support Team at AST@essex.com.
Quote Sheet. The Essex Quote Sheet is now available within the Side Menu of the Reporting, Community Manager, Assistant Manager and Leasing roles. The navigation is as follows:

  • Reporting Role - Residential > Traffic > Essex Quote Sheet
  • Community Manager, Assistant Manager and Leasing Roles -  Guests > Essex Quote Sheet

Invoice Register Notifications. The IR notification issue has been resolved, and we will activate notifications the evening of Thursday, March 9. The timing and format of these emails have changed; see below for details.

  • Timing - Notifications will be sent once daily. These will be processed in the evening, and if there is anything pending your approval, you will see an IR notification in your inbox in the morning.
  • Format - Notifications will no longer be sent for each IR. Associates will now receive a summary report within the email that includes a list of all IR items which require your attention.
  • Example IR Notification. Below is a sample of the emails you will receive. The PDF attachment is the summary report of all IR items that require attention.

“Property is not assigned to this Vendor” issues. The issues with CMS vendors, Utility vendors and Corporate vendors have now been resolved. A one-time bulk update was processed in order to assign appropriate properties to their vendors. You should now be able to move items, such as Utility invoices, through the PayScan workflow without the error.
Please note that this message can still be received if a property is not assigned to a vendor. Only a list of approved properties/vendors were updated. The same process remains if you have not used the vendor before or if there are required items to be submitted to Vendor Maintenance before a vendor can be added.  At this time, if you receive this message when processing an IR or PO, please send a request to Vendor Maintenance. 

Thursday, March 9, 2017 - 10:15

Last updated:
April 05, 2017