Yardi Ad Sources: Simplified List and Consistent Naming Convention

Wednesday, November 1, 2017
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Attention: All Leasing Office Associates

From the 11/1 E-Hour, to streamline the current Yardi Ad Source list, Marketing has partnered with IT to update all Ad Sources. We have received feedback from a representative team of onsite associates, and made recommended adjustments. Review the below Talking Points with your team to understand these updates.

What are Ad Sources?
Advertising Sources are all sources of advertising and promotion that we use to lead prospects that are apartment shopping to our communities. This includes things like signage (leading to drive bys/walk ins), referrals, online advertising and search. Accurate ad source tracking is vital to the success of our business as it guides the decision-making process in how to best invest in advertising to drive the right traffic to the right communities at the right time.
What is the change?
The following two changes have been implemented as of today, November 1:

  1. Simplified list. The list of Ad Sources has been reduced from 50+ to 22. The dropdown list of Yardi Ad Source by Community has been updated to reflect this.
  2. New naming convention. The names have been streamlined so they are more intuitive and easier to read. For example, the prefix “Internet” has been removed from Internet Ad Sources. Duplications have been removed.

Where can I find the new Ad Source list?

  • The new Ad Source list is located on Buzz under Operational Services > Marketing > Internet Marketing Resources > Internet Listing Services, or by clicking here.
  • This list is also included as an attachment for your reference (New Ad Source List_Updated 10182017.xlsx).

What is the reason for the change?
A more succinct Ad Source list with a clear naming convention will support more accurate reporting. It will also be quicker and easier for onsite associates to attribute ad source on customer guest cards.
Who does this change affect?
This change affects all associates who enter information into Yardi when filling out a guest card.
What are the details of this change?

  • All Yardi Ad Source lists for each community are now the same.
  • Individual community sources have been removed from the Yardi Ad Source list.
  • The Ad Source list on Yardi, Level One, Kingsley, Online Application and others are now the same.

What are the benefits of this change?

  • Reduced time spent scrolling through long Yardi lists of Ad Sources
  • Improving the consistency of Ad Sources
  • Consistent Ad Source lists across multiple channels
  • Standardization of Ad Source lists across the portfolio

Please contact Marketing@essex.com. We welcome your feedback as this change is implemented.

Thursday, October 26, 2017 - 15:31

Last updated:
November 08, 2017