The Highlands at Wynhaven Host Resident Gift-Wrapping Party

Wednesday, December 18, 2019
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Attention: All Associates

The Highlands at Wynhaven E-Team helped their residents get a head start on present wrapping this holiday season by hosting a gift-wrapping party.

Festive wrapping supplies were provided, and the team donned their holiday finest to help get everyone in the mood to party. Community Manager, Jennifer Smith, shares, "Cheryl McMillan and I were dressed for the festivities, but Jackie Mod was definitely the hit of the party. At one point, there were about five residents standing around taking pictures of her. They loved it!"

What a great way to kick off the holiday season. Thanks for sharing with Cool Stuff!

Wednesday, December 18, 2019 - 13:21

Last updated:
January 04, 2020