Vendors Are Being Added to VENDORCafé

Wednesday, May 30, 2018
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Attention: All Associates

What is VENDORCafé?
VENDORCafé is a Yardi-based online portal for Essex vendors to input contact and payment information, obtain insurance compliance, and submit electronic invoices. It works as follows:

  1. Essex Procurement sends vendors an invitation to join VENDORCafé and then the vendor electronically submits:
    • Tax ID and W-9
    • Banking/Payment information
    • One Page Contract (Short Form)
    • Insurance Broker contact information
    • Pays an annual fee $95 for vendors that have insurance requirements, or $35 for vendor that are insurance exempt
  2. 3rd Party Company RMIS is automatically notified to obtain insurance documents directly from the vendors insurance brokers.
  3. Vendor can log into VENDORCafé to submit electronic invoices for all approved and received purchase orders (which will save time and processing costs).

What Does This Mean for Associates?
To aid us in the implementation of VENDORCafé, please continue to clean up your Purchase Orders and close them as applicable. If a vendor contacts you, please encourage them to register and use VENDORCafé, and advise vendors that they can track their own payment status through VENDORCafé. Contact if a vendor reports any issues registering.

There is a new, streamlined New Vendor package and process outlined on Buzz. Procurement will invite approx. 50 new vendors per week to join VENDORCafé. Please periodically check the Procurement Buzz page and view the Vendors in VENDORCafé spreadsheet to track which vendors are currently on VENDORCafé.  
For more information, please contact

Monday, May 8, 2017 - 13:43

Last updated:
June 27, 2018