Updated Training Policy Now Available in E-Way

Printer-friendly versionPDF version Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Attention: All Associates

An updated Training Policy is now available in E-Way! This updated policy provides essential training guidelines for all associates.
ACTION ITEM: All associates should access E-Way through OKTA to review and become familiar with the Training Policy. 

  • Associates are required to complete all assigned compliance and mandatory training before the assigned due date.
  • Associates are required to complete the “Code of Business Conduct and Ethics” and “Preventing Workplace Harassment” training every two years.
  • All onsite associates must complete the Fair Housing Fundamentals training within 14 days from their hire date.
  • All new hires and re-hires (associates who left the company for 6+ months and are returning) are required to complete Core Curriculum for their job roles.

Questions? Email us at E-Way@essex.com

Wednesday, August 14, 2019 - 09:27

Last updated:
August 31, 2019