Updated Emergency Manual Available in E-Way

Wednesday, July 24, 2019
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Attention: All On-Site Associates

Considering the recent earthquakes in both California and Washington, we wanted to provide sites with a newly formatted and easy-to-edit Emergency Procedures Manual. It is crucial that all team members know where at the community the emergency manual is located and are well versed in Essex emergency procedures.
Updates Include:

  • New editable fields for property-specific contact information.
  • New Amazon shopping list for easy ordering of emergency supplies through the business account.
  • Editable and region-specific leadership contact lists available as separate documents in E-Way.

Community Managers: Download the Emergency Procedures Manual from E-Way and update with all applicable community specific information. Print the updated version and replace the existing version in the emergency binder. Shred all outdated versions.
All Site Associates: Confirm where the emergency procedures binder is located at the community. Read and become familiar with the updated Emergency Procedures Manual which can be found in E-Way.
Questions? Email us at E-Way@essex.com.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019 - 14:14

Last updated:
August 10, 2019