Take a Step to Lead At Every Level

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Our Essex Value to Lead at Every Level may be straightforward to some, but it might not be so clear to others. Conceptually, we should all lead – but how do you put that into practice? The idea of leading can be incredibly intimidating to so many of us as we learn how to navigate leadership in our different roles.
Hilary Jane Grosskopf explores in her article, “How to be a Leader at any Level” 12 ways in which we can all put our value into practice daily.

“So, how can anyone, at any level, take the lead at work?

Here are 12 ways to practice leadership daily at work, no matter your role, title, or seniority within the organization. You can take these leadership actions without stepping on the toes of more senior leadership.
By practicing these 12 leadership actions, you will contribute to organizational progress, and you will be prepared for more responsibility and higher-level leadership roles.
1. Positively acknowledge others.
          Acknowledging others builds a positive culture and reinforces constructive actions and behavior. No matter your role, you can always positively acknowledge your team members and peers for their work.
2. Seek feedback and input from respected leaders, peers, and team members.

          Gathering feedback is how we learn, connect, and grow. At one-on-one and team meetings, ask for feedback (positive and constructive) to improve your performance and earn respect.
3. Cultivate self-awareness and practice Self-Study.

          An extension of feedback, Self-study is practiced through self-reflection. Each week, reflect on your strengths. Reflect on what you enjoy about work and envision your career direction. This will help you to authentically grow your career and advance the organization as well.
4. Connect to your mission and show up for it daily.

          This might be the most important act of a leader. No matter your level or title, you should know your mission. Why do you show up to work each day? What is the impact you hope to have on yourself, your team, your organization, and the world through your work? A personal mission statement keeps you tethered to your goals and intentional in your actions.
5. Celebrate your wins.

          Record your milestones and learnings each week in a journal. Pause to acknowledge the progress you made. It’s satisfying and self-motivating to reflect on your wins. This will keep you even more tethered to your mission!
6. Never stop learning.

          Since leaders champion change and growth, they need to learn in order to change and evolve themselves. Attend conferences, take classes, read, and connect with like-minded learners.
7. Communicate with clarity, control, and a positive tone.

          Whether you lead a team or not, communication at work is key. Before sending an e-mail, delivering news at a one-on-one meeting, or presenting at a team meeting, prepare and review.
8. Be solution-centric.

          Problems, questions, and requests become open wounds that hold the team or organization back from making progress when people don’t proactively develop solutions. A solution-centric leader envisions solutions rather than problems, they voice those solutions, they engage others for help, communicate with a positive tone, and align others around the solution.
9. Rally the right helpers and welcome insights.

          While it seems like a strong leader can do everything themself, a strong leader actually seeks help and expertise to accomplish the work more efficiently and accurately. Know your organization; know the subject matter experts and know who to go to for help and advice in different circumstances. Leaders delegate and harness the talent within the organization to make more impactful progress.
10. Share your point of view.

          This is a really hard one for many junior team members and individual contributors. Why? It often feels as though senior leadership is not open to hearing junior points of view. Junior leaders and individual contributors often shy away from speaking up in meetings about their point of view. Instead of hiding your point of view or only expressing it at home to family and friends, find the right way to say it to your peers or senior leadership at work. Leading with a positive statement and framing your point of view as an option or opportunity is a great way to present your point of view in a positive light. If the organization needs and will benefit from your point of view, speak up and frame it in a positive, opportunistic way.
11. Practice patience and perseverance.

          When you find yourself in a difficult situation — when you feel like responding with emotion or giving up in the face of challenge, pause and remember “patience and perseverance”. Finding this balance in any moment will help to steadily move forward.
12. Lead by example.

          Finally, always lead by example. Do what you know is right in any situation. We learn from respected leaders and influencers, but the ultimate transition to leader happens when we start to act authentically in the way we would act, as ourselves.”
We hope you enjoyed this excerpt from Hilary Jane Grosskopf’s article and start taking steps to lead today. Even one action daily in practicing leadership makes a difference. If you are interested in reading the full article, click here. For comments or questions, please feel free to contact EssexNEXT@essex.com, we would love to hear your thoughts!
Don’t forget – there is still one week to nominate someone who Leads At Every Level. Send in your nomination stories to EssexNEXT@essex.com today.
Tuesday, June 22, 2021 - 16:44

Last updated:
July 10, 2021