The Stuart at Sierra Madre Villa Couples E-Hour with New Year's Resolutions

Wednesday, January 9, 2019
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Attention: All Associates

As many people across the nation head to gyms in pursuit of their New Year's resolutions, The Stuart at Sierra Madre Villa in Pasadena, CA did it their way. Taking advantage of the lighter E-Hour agenda, they conducted their first E-Hour of 2019 in the community gym.

Afterwards, Community Manager, Krystopher Petersen, told us, "We feel totally energized and ready to take on the workday. We hope we encourage more teams to be healthy together!" 

We love to hear about the unique spin each team puts on E-Hour - thanks for sharing with Cool Stuff!

Wednesday, January 9, 2019 - 13:55

Last updated:
January 26, 2019