Spring Into Motion Exercise Challenge Winners

Printer-friendly versionPDF version Friday, May 20, 2016

Thank you E-Team members for participating in Spring Into Motion!

We have heard many success stories about associates who have lost weight, felt more energy, and sleep better due to the challenge. If you have a success story you would like to share, please email benefits@essex.com!
Now for the moment you have all been waiting for… let’s announce the winners!
Grand Prize Winners:
Grand prize winners will have a lunch party hosted by Wellness. The party will be scheduled for this summer and will include a catered lunch, games, and raffle prizes!
Top Community – Delano, PNW
Top Corporate Office – Woodland Hills
FitBit Raffle for associates who logged 30+ days or more:
Alexandra Lazar
Angela Davis
Blair Young
Cruz Rivas Jr.
Elizabeth Barrios
Joanna Smith
Mirsada Muslic
Roshni Padhya
Sherri Chesnutt
Andy McAvoy
**Special acknowledgement to Sr. Tax Specialist Vita Kitkeatlers. She was a FitBit winner and donated hers to someone else since she already had one. Kudos to you!
Team Name Winners:
Reward Points - 800 points
Funniest Namaste In Bed: Jennifer Fougere and Katy Sara Farsani
Most Creative Mission Slimpossible: Ashley Standen and Jessica Mcnamara
#awesome Undertrained & Overconfident: Annalise Kiaski, Joan Carro, Melissa Downs, Melissa Gerard and Pharez Keyes
Top 3 Teams:
We had lots of ties for top 3!

Essex reward points:
1st – 4,000 points
2nd – 3,400 points
3rd – 2,400 points

1 Thighsman Trophies
  Jeanette Klein
  Karen Wilson
  Monica Wright
  Ashley Corbin Hawkins
  Sandy Klein
  Maggie Angulo
  Cruz Rivas Jr.
1 Killing it
  Nancisita Catilo
  Elin Olsen
1 Moving in the Right Direction
  Shakura Smith
  Daniel Poertner
1 The Pink Ladies
  Barbie Csore
  Brad Thompson
  Kristen Kurland
  Regina Eugea
  Erica Westly
  Martin Lopez Munoz
  Juan Moya
  Jose Arriola Tiznado
  Magdalena Rodriguez Mendoza
  Jose Vitela
1 Journey Runners
  Jennifer Smith
  Heather Wines
  Antonio Runez
1 Zumbaes
  David Campbell
  Mary Grace Gesmundo
  Robelyn Pelayo
  Rochelle Gutierrez
  Roshni Padhya
1 The Generals
  Vinh Pham
  Simona Popescu
  Reagen Hing
  Dashiell Aromin
1 Namaste in Bed
  Jennifer Fougere
  Katy Sara Farsani
1 New pants on the way with 60 mins a day!
  Kyle Poirier
  Richard Ng
  Vita Kitkeatlers
  Andrea McAvoy
2 The Gogo Girls
  Felicity Alexander
  Maile Ramsey
2 Team Motivation
  Gonzalo Bautista
  Xinia Nadeem Jimenez
3 Fourth & U
  Bailey Walker
  Danielle Villa
  Michael Sanchez
  Phillip Brown
  Ronald Brooks

Top 5 Individuals:
Lots of ties for top 5!

Essex reward points:
1st – 2,000 points
2nd – 1,600 points
3rd – 1,200 points
4th – 800 points
5th – 400 points

1 Angulo, Maggie
1 Anky, Lorinda
1 Aromin, Dashiell
1 Arriola Tiznado, Jose
1 Bautista, Gonzalo
1 Blair, Moretta
1 Borodulin, Oleksandr
1 Brooks, Ronald
1 Brown, Phillip
1 Cabral, Sandy
1 Campbell, David
1 Catilo, Nancisita
1 Contreras Dominguez, Daniel
1 Corbin-Hawkins, Ashley
1 Csore, Barbie
1 Da Silva, Vamberto
1 Eugea, Regina
1 Farsani, Katy Sara
1 Fougere, Jennifer
1 Fujiwara-Herbert, Jessica
1 Gesmundo, Mary Grace
1 Gutierrez, Rochelle
1 Harooni, Julie
1 Hing, Reagen
1 Kaiser, William
1 Kitkeatlers, Vita
1 Klein, Jeanette
1 Klein, Sandy
1 Kurland, Kristen
1 Lazar, Alexandra
1 Lopez Munoz, Martin
1 Moya, Juan
1 Ng, Richard
1 Olsen, Elin
1 Padhya, Roshni
1 Pelayo, Robelyn
1 Pham, Vinh
1 Poertner, Daniel
1 Poirier, Kyle
1 Popescu, Simona
1 Reyes, Benjamin
1 Rodriguez Mendoza, Magdalena
1 Runez, Antonio
1 Russell, Yumi
1 Sanchez, Michael
1 Sanchez Fortunato, Hector
1 Sandoval, Roselynn
1 Silva, Amor
1 Smith, Brandon
1 Smith, Jennifer
1 Smith, Shukura
1 Squires, Kasha
1 Thompson, Brad
1 Vega-Aguilar, Kristan
1 Vest-Apolista, Jamie
1 Villela, Elias
1 Vitela, Jose
1 Walker, Bailey
1 Westly, Erica
1 Wilson, Karen
1 Wines, Heather
1 Wright, Monica
2 Chesnutt, Sherri
2 Guillen, Robert
2 Harrison, Jessica
2 Mccurdy, Nicole
2 Vaughn, Lisa
3 Perez, Alejandro
4 Cramer, Colin
5 Matthews, Daniel
5 Taylor, Elisa

Friday, May 20, 2016 - 14:00

Last updated:
May 26, 2016