Share Your EssexNEXT Nominations!

Printer-friendly versionPDF version Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Many associates display the value of Lead At Every Level through the actions they take every day. We want to highlight those associates who take the time to set valuable examples, who do the right thing without being asked, who inspire others to be great. People's actions and behaviors to help lead and encourage others can be big or small, but every single one matters.
Please take a few moments to share these stories in nomination of someone who you see Leads At Every Level and how they do it. Tell their stories so we can showcase them throughout Essex! Nominating someone is one small way you can start Leading. So send in your nomination stories for an associate today!
We will be accepting nominations and stories from now through Sunday, June 27th! Then we will share your nominations here in an EssexNEXT news article on Wednesday, June 30th.
Please submit your nominations, along with the stories to support them, to Don't forget to include photos if you have them! If you prefer to leave a short, recorded video, you can submit that by clicking here, and the EssexNEXT Committee will automatically be notified once it is submitted.
You can send any questions to


Tuesday, June 15, 2021 - 17:30

Last updated:
July 03, 2021