Essex Celebrates Administrative Professionals' Week

Wednesday, May 15, 2019
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Attention: All Associates

Throughout Essex, our administrative staff was recently celebrated and recognized for their hard work and dedication. This year for Administrative Professionals' Week, each administrative associate received thank you gifts and were treated to a lunch of their choice.

According to the International Association of Administrative Professionals, there are more than 22 million admin professionals in the United States. Their roles are incredibly diverse, and these professionals often go above and beyond their regular duties. Some have called them the lifeline of an organization and their hard work and dedication doesn't go unnoticed.

We think this quote sums up our gratitude for our talented admin team:

"No one is more cherished in this world than someone who lightens the burden of others."
- Joseph Addison

Please thank your administrative professionals for all that they do!

Thursday, May 9, 2019 - 17:40

Last updated:
June 01, 2019