Resident Expresses Sincere Thanks at Haver Hill

Wednesday, April 8, 2020
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Attention: All Associates

As an essential service, we play a crucial role in the lives of our prospects and residents during this uncertain time. Here's what one Haver Hill resident recently had to say about the community's team:


I know this time has been difficult for everyone. There is a lot of unknown that can be scary, but there are some things that help us keep our sanity, including routine.

Thank you to the maintenance workers, gardeners, house cleaning crew, and other middle men that "work behind the scenes:"

- It is so nice to see that our grass is still cut, the trees are still taken care of, and our area that we call "home" is still kept up to standards during this time. These environmental psychology factors truly help keep our sanity. So please pass along this big fat THANK YOU.

- It is nice to smell fresh cleaning supplies in the hallways--REALLY. It makes us feel that our homes are being more regularly cleaned in response to this virus that is terrifying everyone. We appreciate your efforts to keep us and our homes safe. THANK YOU.

- While it can be frustrating to have to find another area to work out in, I would much rather have a closed gym than a breeding ground for viruses. So THANK YOU for making the hard decisions as a business to put a stop to the spread of illness.

Thank you all for your efforts in helping us BE safe, as well as FEEL safe. I hope you all are doing well and staying safe. This isn't a time to panic, and I appreciate your efforts to promote normality and safety.

Thanks again

Thanks to Community Manager, Lisa Gass, Regional Portfolio Manager, Mark Yepez, and the entire Haver Hill team. And thank you to all of our teams across properties for your similar efforts over these past few weeks!

Wednesday, April 8, 2020 - 10:04

Last updated:
April 25, 2020