Creative Ideas for Resident Retention

Wednesday, April 15, 2020
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Attention: All On-Site Associates

We've heard a lot of creative ways that our communities are keeping their residents engaged and in good spirits during this unique time. Here are a few ideas for resident retention, and be sure to check out the full list of ideas on the Resident Retention Buzz page.

  • Resident Care Packages
    • Create care packages for residents that include necessities like canned goods, snacks, toilet paper. You could also throw in a deck of cards, puzzles, crossword books, etc.
    • Pick one or two of these items or create an entire package for your residents. Either way, pair it with a quick hand-written note to express gratitude and create a sense of community connection. A little bit goes a long way.
  • Laundry Room Credits
    • If your community has shared laundry facilities, offer wash credits to your residents.
  • Virtual Resident Events
    • Organize a virtual event that residents can participate in from the comfort of their homes. Ideas include a fitness class, cooking video, or a movie night. Have your residents take pictures and share them on social media!

Does your community have a creative resident retention idea? Share it with us at to have it added to the list!
Please direct questions to Marketing

Wednesday, April 15, 2020 - 10:44

Last updated:
April 29, 2020