Reminder that personal devices are not allowed on the Essex secure networks

Printer-friendly versionPDF version Monday, January 11, 2016

As noted in the company’s Acceptable Use Policy, only company provided and/or managed phones, tablets, laptops and other devices are allowed on the Essex corporate networks (both Secure WiFi and hardwired LAN). You may refer to the complete Acceptable Use Policy on Buzz.
In order to maintain the security of our network and its data, we will soon begin enforcing the Acceptable Use Policy and restricting personal devices from those secure Essex Networks.
If you have a personal device, please make sure it is configured to use the “Essex Guest Network” WiFi which is available in every office and property. Please do not connect personal devices to the Essex LAN or Secure WiFi.
Thanks for helping to protect our network and data from cyber attacks!

Last updated:
January 14, 2016