Redmond Hill Residents Post Happy Hearts in Show of Community Solidarity

Wednesday, April 22, 2020
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Attention: All Associates

Redmond Hill Community Manager, Nikki Hamilton, shared the following with Cool Stuff:

"As you know, Redmond Hill is lucky to have an amazing community filled with family and friends…everyone here is invested in the community and its health and happiness.  Many residents looked forward to the daily interactions with their neighbors by meeting up at the children’s bus stops in the mornings (where exchanges of many hugs would take place each day) or the gym for a healthy competitive workout with friends.  We even have many residents who sign up to help feed our community mascots: Goldie and Coldy (our goldfish) or who bring their dogs into the office for dog treats during their walks.  Our coffee bar was always a gathering place where many met up daily.  We have all been missing each other and I had been hearing this from random people within the community here and there.  I was trying to think of a way we could all tell each other how much we missed them while still social distancing.  I belong to a Facebook group that started this hearts campaign and thought this would be perfect for my community.  My family and I cut out a bunch of construction paper hearts, hung them in our windows and challenged our neighbors to do the same.  It was slow at first but we are really starting to pick up some more participants.  I currently have several households with hearts on their windows and more are working on doing so now."

We love your community spirit, Redmond Hill! 

Wednesday, April 22, 2020 - 10:04

Last updated:
May 08, 2020