Pink is Stronger than You Think!

Printer-friendly versionPDF version Wednesday, October 13, 2021

In the month of October, we see traditional fall colors everywhere. However, this time, we're not talking about red, yellow, or orange, but rather shades of pink. Pink – the color of Breast Cancer Awareness Month! 

American Cancer Society and the pharmaceutical company now known as AstraZeneca (a manufacturer of several anti-breast cancer drugs) first began organizing a weeklong event to bring widespread attention to breast cancer in the United States in October 1985. Since then, Breast Cancer Awareness Month and its accompanying pink ribbon have been synonymous with the month of October. 

The awareness campaign can mean different things to different people. For some, it's honoring strength and survival. For others, support and a push to educate people about the realities of breast cancer. 

Women at Essex have dedicated their Buzz page to honor all of those battling or having survived breast cancer, along with the advocates that support them and remember those we've lost. Visit Woman at Essex  to learn more. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2021 - 16:00

Last updated:
October 20, 2021