Peak Season Safety Reminders

Wednesday, July 31, 2019
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Attention: All On-Site Associates

During this busy season, HR would like to remind all associates to continue to be mindful of safety and to heed the following guidelines:

  • Be aware of your surroundings – watch for hazards and ensure there is enough space to do the work required. Hazards can be but are not limited to, sharp edges/surfaces/objects, low-hanging overhead items, standing water, exposed wires, unguarded equipment, etc.
  • To avoid injury, maintain correct posture or body position when working – e.g., when sitting at a desk, keep shoulders in line with hips; use proper form when lifting, etc.
  • Slow your movements as required by your work environment or task to complete your task injury-free.
  • Take regular breaks to rest and avoid being too tired or unalert to your surroundings.
  • Use tools and machinery properly – don’t take short cuts and ensure safety precautions are in place.
  • Use mechanical aids or ask for assistance when carrying, lifting, pushing, or pulling heavy items. Use good judgment about whether an object requires assistance to move it.
  • Wear appropriate safety equipment to reduce injury exposure – e.g., wear the right gloves or safety glasses for each task.
  • Don’t become complacent and begin to overlook potential hazards.

And of course, a reminder to report any and all injuries (even minor ones) to your supervisor immediately. Be safe!
Please direct questions to

Wednesday, July 31, 2019 - 09:14

Last updated:
August 14, 2019