Park 20 Pups Adjust to New Normal

Wednesday, April 1, 2020
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Attention: All Associates

San Mateo's Park 20 recently shared a few pictures on social media of how their neighborhood pups are adjusting to the new social distancing office policy.

Community Manager, Ruby Ramirez, and her staff always keep pet treats on hand in their community office, and many resident pets have made it part of their daily routine to stop in to say hello and grab a biscuit. Couriers and residents have heeded the office's temporary closure, but it seems that neighborhood pets are less accepting of the change.

The Park 20 team posted these pictures to their community Facebook page showing how pets still stop by the office door each day looking for a treat. Ruby and her team are happy to receive the daily visits and look forward to accomodating the treat requests just as soon as day-to-day operations return to normal. 

Thanks for sharing, Park 20!

Wednesday, April 1, 2020 - 10:04

Last updated:
April 18, 2020