Don't Miss These Open Enrollment Highlights

Wednesday, November 20, 2019
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Attention: All Associates

Today, November 20, 2019, is your last opportunity to complete changes to your benefits during Open Enrollment.

HR wants to thank all associates who attended an Open Enrollment session as well as those who completed their benefits elections online. As Open Enrollment comes to a close, be sure you do not miss some of this year's highlights:

  • Our 401k retirement matching has been increased from a $4,000-per-year cap to $6,000 per year. That adds up to a potential $3.6-million-dollar investment from Essex into our associates!
  •  The commitment to the long-term financial stability of our medical program costs has continued with medical premiums and co-pay costs increasing slightly year over year.
  • Benefits management is easier than ever with this year's introduction of mobile enrollment via Workday and the Workday app!
  • Costs for dental and vision insurance did not increase, and the plans were both enhanced to include extras like increased orthodontia benefits and sunglass benefits.

Please direct your questions to

Wednesday, November 20, 2019 - 13:26

Last updated:
December 07, 2019