New Wallpaper at Login Screen

Printer-friendly versionPDF version Thursday, April 28, 2016

Essex IT is pleased to let you know we’ve spruced up your computer login wallpaper!

Essex has so many amazing properties we thought it would be fun to update our computer log in and lock screens to highlight them! You may notice your computer lock screen has changed from the default “blue” screen to a vibrant picture of Huntington Breakers in SoCal.

We will be updating the login and lock screens of all Essex computers on a regular basis to highlight a variety of our amazing properties. 

This won’t replace the custom wallpaper you have set on your computer desktop, just the wallpaper on the screens when you need to log in to your computer.
Send us your community photos!
If you have a picture you’d like to share please send it to and we may end up featuring it in the future!

Thursday, April 28, 2016 - 09:45

Last updated:
May 02, 2016