New Maintenance Door Hangers

Printer-friendly versionPDF version Monday, May 16, 2016

We are excited to introduce new maintenance collateral, now available on the Home Store. Check out the 2 new door hangers! 

Reusable 'Work in Progress Door' Hanger
We have created a reusable, double-sided option to be placed on the resident’s door to notify them that maintenance is currently working in their home or has stepped away to retrieve a part.

Completed Service Request Door Hanger
The secondary door hanger should be left at the time of visit and provide information on the completed service request. This item will include your property’s emergency maintenance number as well as the URL for Rentcafé for future maintenance requests. 

Place an Order
To place an order, log on to the Essex Home Store and select the Maintenance tab.

These door hangers are included in the marketing roll-up.  Indicate "Marketing" in the PO field.

Please note that the door hangers will be replacing the maintenance pads that are currently on the Home Store. Feel free to use up your existing maintenance pads before ordering the door hangers.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Marketing at

Monday, May 16, 2016 - 14:00

Last updated:
May 24, 2016