New General Ledger Account Names

Wednesday, October 11, 2017
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Attention: All associates who enter information into the General Ledger

From the 10/11 E-Hour, some general ledger account names have been changed. This change is effective immediately.

What is the reason for updating some GL account names?
The reason for this change is to make the names more intuitive and easier to follow.

Who does this change affect?
This change affects all associates who enter information into the General Ledger. 

Are there any action items?
Associates do not need to do anything differently – we just want to inform you of this update.

What are the new GL account names?
To review the full list of the updated GL account names, please see the below attachment, “Updated GL Account Names.” 

Please contact with any questions you may have. 

Wednesday, October 4, 2017 - 12:59

Last updated:
October 25, 2017