May the Fourth: Star Wars Trivia

Printer-friendly versionPDF version Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Thank you everyone for making May The Fourth a fun one! The force was strong with all of us today. Except for those that Googled the answers. See below for answers and winners!

First question: What planet is Chewbacca from? 

Correct answer: Kashyyk

Winner: Nathan Watkins

Second question: In episodes 4-6, several actors portrayed Darth Vader. How many and who? 

Correct answer: 1) Davide Prowse (man inside the costume), 2) Bob Anderson (stuntman for lightsaber scenes), 3) James Earl Jones (voice actor), 4) Sebastian Shaw (the 'face' of Darth Vader when his mask is removed in Return of the Jedi)

Winner: Brandon Smith

Third question: The actor below appeared in a Star Wars film. Name the actor, the role he played, and the movie he appeared in. 

Correct answer: Daniel Craig, Storm Trooper, The Force Awakens. 

Winner: Nathan Farquhar

May the Fourth be with you. Winners will be contacted by the coolstuff team. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2016 - 13:15

Last updated:
May 05, 2016