Maintenance Matters Video: Golf Cart Battery Maintenance

Printer-friendly versionPDF version Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Welcome to Maintenance Matters, a series of short videos and articles to help keep Essex maintenance teams in the know.  In this first installment, we feature a video addressing the topic of Golf Cart Battery Maintenance.
The video topic was recommended by Shane Cashman, Maintenance Technician at Montanosa, San Diego. Shane stays on top of battery maintenance and as a result, batteries at Montanosa last 4-5 years. This is at least double the shelf life of batteries that can fail in as few as 2 years, due to lack of maintenance. With replacement batteries costing around $300 a piece, Shane’s diligence really pays off. Read the entire article on the Safety and Learning & Development Newsletter.

Thursday, May 25, 2017 - 14:56

Last updated:
July 21, 2017