Know IT Now! Four Incredibly Useful Computer Tips

Wednesday, May 1, 2019
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Attention: All Associates

Speed up your production with these four quick computer tips:

  1. Minimize windows – In Microsoft Windows, to minimize every open window except yours, click and hold the top banner of the window you are in with your mouse button and shake your active window. Do the same to maximize all windows.
  2. Take a screenshot – In Microsoft Windows, to take a screenshot of your active window, select only the window you wish to capture and press Alt + Print Screen.
  3. Delete one word – In Microsoft Word, to delete one word at a time behind your cursor, press Ctrl + Backspace. To delete one word at a time in front of your cursor, press Ctrl + Delete.
  4. Copy web page content – In any Internet browser, to highlight and copy text in a web page, with your mouse click on the starting point, then press Shift + Click on the text ending point.
Wednesday, May 1, 2019 - 09:54

Last updated:
November 04, 2020