John Burkart and Angela Kleiman Announce Promotions and Reorganization

Monday, December 9, 2019
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Attention:  All Associates

As we approach year end, we would like to thank the entire team for all the work involved in serving over a hundred thousand customers over this past year.
At the request of our investors, we have recently published our first Corporate Social Responsibility report (available on our website). We are very proud of our accomplishments in so many areas and we look forward to many more as we embrace digitally enabled innovation through out our company. We expect to make substantial progress in many areas including our employee experience, our customer experience and the environment.
We have many exciting enhancements in the pipeline for 2020 including a new website we are rolling out in December, a new lead management solution (Funnel) that we are co-developing, a new mobile maintenance platform (SightPlan) that we are co-developing, the roll out of "Smart Buildings” through SmartRent, continued focus on thoughtful conservation and renewable energy, and many other great initiatives that will establish us as an innovative industry leader .
In order to accomplish our worthy, yet lofty objectives, we are refining our structure and increasing resources to assist in this transformation (attached organizational charts).
We would like to congratulate the following team members on their promotions:
»             Jessica Anderson is being promoted to Group Vice President of Operational Services
»             Lisa Yeh is being promoted to Group Vice President of Asset Management
»             Linda Wu is being promoted to Vice President of Asset Management
»             Laura Carrasco’s is being promoted to Vice President of Treasury & Risk Management
»             Rylan Burns is being promoted to Vice President of Finance and Investor Relations
»             Josh Foley is being promoted to Division Manager of San Diego and Orange County
»             Bridgit Susim is being promoted to Senior Regional Portfolio Manager of Ventura County
We would also like to recognize Selena Kerr who was recently promoted to Senior Regional Portfolio Manager of Los Angeles County.

We are very pleased with so many internal promotions and we look forward to a wonderful 2020.


Monday, December 9, 2019 - 12:02

Last updated:
December 24, 2019