Introducing Virtual Staging for Property Images

Wednesday, September 6, 2017
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Attention: All Associates

Our Advanced Visual Technologies (AVT) team in Marketing is making improvements to our property images by virtually staging empty units, creating a more positive impression for prospects who are searching for their next home online.
Benefits of Staging
Staging an apartment can be costly and time-consuming. At the same time, staged units are beneficial; prospects better understand the layout, and it helps them visualize what it would be like to live there. Industry research also shows that staged apartments can sell for more, and sell 2-2.5 times faster, resulting in faster lease-ups and premium pricing.
Virtual Staging Technology
With today’s technology, a unit can be staged without the furniture truck ever leaving the warehouse. Instead, furniture and finishes can be digitally added to existing photos of non-staged units. Not only is this technology high quality, but the price point is ideal.
AVT has begun implementing virtually staging for properties that do not have photography of staged units.

These staged units are much more impactful for prospects, and will provide a sense of warmth and home in the website galleries that didn’t exist with pictures of empty units.

In the above slideshow, you can see virtually staged living/dining areas and bedroom suites.

Images Featured on
We have already begun adding images of virtually staged units to our property website galleries on We will begin incorporating this capability into our photography shoots as appropriate. 

Questions or Feedback?

Tuesday, August 29, 2017 - 15:31

Last updated:
September 13, 2017