Introducing the Phishing Awareness Program

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Phishing Awareness Program 

Did you know?  91% of security breaches begin with phishing emails.

You and your co-workers are an integral part of our information security posture. To help prevent these attacks, we are launching the Phishing Awareness Program.

What is Phishing?

Phishing emails are targeted attacks in which criminals use information we post online to trick us into making ourselves vulnerable to cyber-attacks.

Please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with Phishing by watching this 6:25 video tutorial from that details how to avoid falling prey to fishing scams.

What is the Phishing Awareness Program?

In this awareness program, you will periodically receive simulated phishing emails that imitate real attacks.

There is no penalty for clicking on a simulated phishing email.

Educational material will be provided after a simulation, and LMS (coming soon), so that as the program progresses your ability to spot and report phishing attacks will improve.

What To Do If You Receive a Simulated or Real Phishing Email

See something? Say something! Although your first instinct might be to delete or ignore suspicious emails, we ask that you report them to our security team by clicking on the Report Phishing button in your Outlook email client.

This will alert IT staff to the attempt and help us prevent other associates from falling victim to the phishing attack. You can also forward questionable emails to

If you have any questions about phishing, let us know! Email

Friday, April 8, 2016 - 13:30

Last updated:
April 20, 2016