Important Health and Safety Update for On-Site Associates

Tuesday, March 3, 2020
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Attention: All On-Site Associates

Dear Essex Team Members,
As you know, there is a rapidly evolving world health challenge related to the coronavirus (COVID-19), and Essex communities are not immune. Senior management is highly engaged in the situation and is meeting daily to understand new information as it becomes available and use it to formulate our strategy and response to the situation. The purpose of this note is to advise you of our current near-term views and guidance:
1. We (Essex) are here to help; both our residents and our employees are the top priority.
2. We are consulting with the CDC on best practices.
3. Our policies are being reviewed to determine if they need to be amended to address the situation.
4. We are preparing resident communications and leasing office signage regarding physical interaction with the team and use of our facilities.
5. If you are notified by a resident that they are concerned with their health or think they may have symptoms, direct them to their healthcare provider and the CDC website at Ask them to lock down in their home until a healthcare provider or CDC can properly direct them.
6. Remain calm so that you can support your team and community.
7. If you are notified by a resident or other person that someone in your community is being visited by the CDC for testing, immediately escalate the matter to your supervisor or RPM, or DM if RPM is unavailable.
8. If you are contacted by the media, please respond with, "I am not authorized to speak with the media," and refer them to your supervisor, who will refer them to the appropriate contact at Essex.
9. Until further notice, maintain standard maintenance and cleaning cadence and protocols. With regard to any specific actions or non-routine procedures, we will await direction from the CDC or other authorities.
10. If you or members of your team have specific personal concerns, please reach out to Brigitte Hurney in Human Resources.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter, and thank you in advance for your contributions and support of Essex Property Trust.


Essex Senior Leadership

Wednesday, March 4, 2020 - 11:49

Last updated:
March 18, 2020