Huntington Breakers Leasing Team

Friday, June 3, 2016
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For the month of April, as part of the "Sales Pilot Program" the associates at Huntington Breakers set their monthly sales goal at 18. If they were to meet their goal, their RPM, Kevin Forsyth would take them out to lunch at a restaurant of their choice.
Team Breakers was awesome and hit 21 leases for the month of April! 

The team decided to go to Javier's in Newport Beach and had a great time.
“All associates reached their personal goal, the property met their monthly goal and this decreased availability from 6% to 4.3% and increased projected occupancy to exceed the budget of 96.2%,” shares community manager, Julie Workman.  
Julie and Katy Sara, Marketing and Sales Performance Manager covered the property while the team went out for lunch.
“The team was excited to spend time with Kevin. They had a great time and look forward to meeting this month's goals as well.” 

Friday, June 3, 2016 - 10:15

Last updated:
June 27, 2016