Tips to score more 5-Star Yelp Reviews

Wednesday, October 12, 2016
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E-Team, we know you're a 5-star team. (We'd even give you 6 stars if we could!) It's time to get recognized for the awesome work you're already doing, and one of the best ways to score a touchdown for you and your team is to get mentioned in a positive Yelp review. 

Here are some tips to help you kick it up a notch on Yelp:

3 easy steps to score 5 star Yelp reviews
1. Ask for reviews. It works! Best times to ask include:

  • Move in (when residents are most happiest)
  • After a work order.
  • ANY time a resident expresses customer satisfaction.

2. Hand over a Yelp card that residents can use as a friendly reminder.
Yelp cards are available FREE through Benson/The Home Store
Once you log in, navigate to All Products and Services > Marketing Materials > Reputation Management > Yelp Cards


3. Send a follow-up email. If you've asked for a review, it's okay to send a gentle follow-up to the resident. Here's a handy template to use:


It was truly my pleasure assisting you with______. Since it is my goal to always deliver a 5-star experience, I would greatly appreciate it if you would let myself and others know how I'm doing by sharing your story. We'd love to have more residents like you,_____! Simply click on the logo below to be directed to our review page and have your voice heard in the social space. 

Additionally, please contact me should you have any questions about______ or concerns that needed to be addressed, and I will be happy to assist. I want to make sure that you are 100% satisfied with your experience.

Thank you,______!"

Bonus! 4. Yelp button in your email signature. Easily link to your community's Yelp page with a Yelp button that automatically directs happy residents to your page. Marketing can assist - just send the request "Yelp Button for my Email Signature" to us at

Thursday, October 6, 2016 - 12:15

Last updated:
October 31, 2016