How to Prepare for a Photo Shoot and Why It’s Important

Wednesday, April 11, 2018
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Attention:  All On-site Associates

Photography and video are a vital part of our business, showcasing our communities and driving prospects to tour or rent.
Onsite teams can request photography or video to help support their community. You can do this by contacting  In addition Marketing regularly reviews community photography, virtual tours, etc. and may recommend additional inventory or a refresh.

In order to ensure the process runs smoothly, we’d like to provide some reminders on how to prepare once your photoshoot is scheduled.  

How should I prepare for my photoshoot?

  • Use the Photo Shoot Check List provided by Marketing and found on Buzz here.
    • Review the sections that pertain to your shoot.
    • Make sure all items have been attended to.
    • Block off any parking spaces that are in the area that will be photographed.
  • Communicate with your team.
    • Tell team members about the shoot details.
    • Ensure there is someone present when the photographer arrives.
    • Have keys and maps ready so the photographer can find and access units and amenities.
  • Communicate with your residents.
    • If amenities will be closed during the shoot, please inform residents and post notices, if needed.
  • Check it twice.
    • Please double check your check list. Has everything on the list been completed? Does your community look its best?

What if I need to cancel?

Sometimes things happen and you may need to cancel a shoot. For example, an outside shoot may be scheduled and the forecast is for bad weather. Or you may have an unforeseen emergency, other event or staff shortage.

If you need to cancel a shoot, please let Marketing know as soon as possible by contacting

The sooner you can let us know, the sooner we can reschedule the photograher/videographer, avoiding cancellation costs. We can also work on finding a new date for your shoot that works for you.

Why is photography important?

  • The photography on our website is a prospect’s first impression of your property.
    • More that 92% of prospective renters visit our website, use an Internet Listing Service (ILS), mobile site or app.
    • Prospects form a first impression in 7 seconds. Putting our best visual foot forward is critical,
  • Your photos will typically be on the website for at least 2 years. It is worth the investment in time to make sure your community is looking great without visual mishaps.
  • Attractive photos and video aids are a valuable marketing tool.
    •  65% of consumers are more likely to consider or contact a business when an image shows up in local search results.
    • Prospects are 17% more likely to convert when able to take a virtual tour.
  • Visuals help people understand and retain more information more quickly.
    • Prospects spend 60% of their time looking at listing photos and only 20% on the listing description.
  • Renters want to easily view photos and take virtual tours.
    • Listings with professional photos receive morethan twice as many online views.

If you have any questions please contact

Thursday, April 5, 2018 - 10:27

Last updated:
May 09, 2018