Holiday Toy Drives at Our Communities

Wednesday, January 3, 2018
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These past holidays, multiple communities made a commitment to give back to those in need and organized toy drives at their properties!

The Stuart participated in a toy drive and donated about 50 toys, in addition to sweaters and blankets they collected from residents, to a local church in San Gabriel. 

Additionally, all of the properties in the San Diego region engaged in their annual toy drive as a joint effort. The toys were collected at each site and dropped off at the San Diego corporate office. This year, they donated almost 300 toys to Becky’s House, an organization that runs temporary shelters for abused women and children.

Take a look at the photos above for a peek at some of the goodwill our colleagues are doing. Great job, team! 

Wednesday, December 27, 2017 - 14:00

Last updated:
March 19, 2018