Holiday Season Scams and Phishing

Wednesday, December 13, 2017
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Attention: All Associates
The holiday season is a time when scammers and bad actors attempt many more phishing scams and malicious software campaigns. We urge all associates to be mindful and extra diligent about potentially harmful email messages that could be phishing scams.
Please be cautious about: 

  • Electronic greeting cards that may contain malware
  • Requests for charitable contributions that may be phishing scams and may originate from illegitimate sources claiming to be charities
  • Movie clips, screensavers or other forms of media that may contain malware
  • Credit card applications that may be phishing scams or identity theft attempts
  • Online shopping advertisements that may be phishing scams or identity theft attempts from bogus retailers
  • A caller who may be pretending to be IT personnel asking for information about you, your account, passwords, etc.

Follow these tips to help stay safe:

  • Don’t click on unsolicited web links in email messages
  • Use caution when opening email attachments
  • Ask yourself, is the email you are receiving from someone you know? Was the email expected? 
  • We maintain up-to-date antivirus and anti-spyware software on our computers as another layer of protection
  • Notify IT using the Knowbe4 button in Outlook (see image above)
  • When in doubt…don’t click!

Please contact

Tuesday, December 5, 2017 - 16:51

Last updated:
January 17, 2018