Hillcrest Park E-Team Shares Positivity with Residents

Wednesday, April 22, 2020
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Attention: All Associates

The E-Team at Hillcrest Park in Newbury Park, CA shared positive reminders with their residents and received resident support in return.

The team shares, "Hillcrest Park wanted to share that even during these hard times, our compassion and togetherness are strong. We made these signs and decorated our leasing office with positive words and sent out an e-blast to the community to take part in coloring these pictures of positive words to put around the office. The masks that our team is wearing were made especially for our team by a resident and her mom,  and they are also donating masks to area hospitals. Team Hillcrest and Essex will persevere and stay strong through hard times. We are all here for each other and our residents!"

Thanks for sharing, Hillcrest Park!

Wednesday, April 22, 2020 - 10:04

Last updated:
May 08, 2020