Hidden Valley hosts "Cool" resident event

Monday, July 25, 2016
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The Hidden Valley recently hosted a cool and successful resident event where they passed out popsicles near the pool. Read below to see how it went!

1. What motivated the team to host this event?

Our team was motivated to host this event for one reason, and that’s for our residents! Our residents help us out by giving us good reviews and thank us every day for providing them with a home, year after year! At Hidden Valley we have a copious amount of residents who have been here since we opened and love the community, especially our STAFF. We just wanted to show our residents that we appreciate them as much as they appreciate us!
2. How did it go?

The event was great! It was the perfect day to host a popsicle event, as it was in the 90’s here in Simi Valley. We set up right in front of the leasing office which is directly in front of one of our community pools so all the kids were happy.
3. Was it fun?

The event was really fun! We didn’t want to have to close up. We got to meet new residents, our “veteran” residents came out, kids loved it, and overall we got to interact and laugh with our residents and took down a couple work orders too!
4. Will you do it again?

Of course we will do it again! We love giving back to our residents here at Hidden Valley. This was just one event with many more to come soon!   

Monday, July 25, 2016 - 17:30

Last updated:
August 10, 2016