Help Tackle Amazon Package Delivery Issues

Wednesday, January 29, 2020
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Attention: All On-Site Associates

The Essex package team recently met with Amazon to discuss challenges with their package delivery services. To improve the service that our communities receive from Amazon, we request your help with the following:

  1. Report Amazon couriers who are not following instructions by sending an email to the address below and cc Cynthia Madden (Manager of Package Management with Essex). Include any supporting photos such as dumped packages in unauthorized areas and labels of dumped packages so Amazon can identify their drivers.
Please cc: Cynthia Madden
Amazon has a 3-strike rule. If a driver is found not following instructions, they will be terminated. For damaged or lost packages reported by residents, please ask residents to contact Amazon directly.

  1. Community Managers: Please provide the package team delivery instructions for Amazon to follow by filling out the form located at the following link, and we will pass your delivery instructions on to Amazon for them to provide to their drivers. Please fill out the form no later than Friday, February 7, 2020.
Please direct your questions to Cynthia Madden at

Wednesday, January 29, 2020 - 12:37

Last updated:
February 15, 2020