Help Improve Buzz Search!

Printer-friendly versionPDF version Wednesday, November 9, 2016

E-Team, you let us know that it can be challenging to find content on Buzz. We'd like to help you find what you need on an individual basis, as well as improve Buzz in the long term.  In order to improve, we need your help!

Here's how to help improve Buzz search:

1. Buzz Search Bar. Enter your search terms in the search bar located at the top of every Buzz page

2. Get Help with Search button. Found what you were looking for? Great! But if you didn't, let us know! Click the "Get Help with Search" tab located on the right side of the window.

3. Share a few details.  A pop-up window will open in the same page. Please share as much detail as possible regarding:

  • The content you were looking for
  • The search terms you used
  • Where you would expect to find this on Buzz (i.e. under which department page?)
  • BONUS! Include your contact information, and will follow up with you to help you find what you were looking for.

Have other Buzz feedback?  Please let us know! Drop us a note at Communications@essex.comThanks in advance!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016 - 12:15

Last updated:
December 07, 2016