Gas Company Lofts Receives Resident Praise

Wednesday, March 25, 2020
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Attention: All Associates

Recently a Gas Company Lofts resident shared some kind words on Twitter about her community's handling of this unprecedented situation. The resident said:

"My leasing office/bldg staff is so professional! They've been cleaning like crazy, keeping us well-informed & taking care/welfare checking all of the elderly in my building."

She goes on to say:

"Despite all of the social distancing, it truly feels like a community here. Donald Cho is such a class act. My neighbors around me are elderly women and he has come up to our floor to check on them, deliver things, remind people of distancing and sanitizing. The whole nine! He's amazing."

It's a great reminder that despite this challenging situation, our efforts do not go unnoticed and truly make a difference in the lives of our residents.

Well done, Gas Company Lofts!

Wednesday, March 25, 2020 - 10:04

Last updated:
April 11, 2020