Form 15 Tests the NASA Broom Challenge

Wednesday, March 4, 2020
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Attention: All Associates

"Is Lacie Moneymaker testing gravity or doing some magical cleaning in the office?" asked Form 15 Community Manager, Holly Palka.

The E-Team at Form 15 in San Diego, CA, put the latest viral theory, the NASA broom challenge, to the test. According to a viral tweet a few weeks ago, NASA suggested that Monday, February 10, was the only day that a broom could stand on its own thanks to the vernal equinox and earth's specific gravitational pull on that day.

The internet ran with the theory, and soon tons of folks were "proving" the theory by sharing photos of brooms standing upright (including our very own Form 15 E-Team). The theory ended up not to be entirely accurate. Though you could stand a broom on end that day, as it turns out, you can do it any day.

The next time you want to spice up your office-cleaning routine, take a page from the E-Team at Form 15 and try the NASA challenge! 

Wednesday, March 4, 2020 - 10:04

Last updated:
March 21, 2020