Foley's Finest Fixers Ensure That Every Property Shines

Wednesday, November 20, 2019
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Attention: All Associates

The communities in Josh Foley's portfolio have a creative way to ensure that every property shines.

Each month, a committee within the portfolio conducts inspections and rates the portfolio's properties. Whichever community scores the lowest that month gets a little help to boost their future score in the form of "Foley's finest fixers." 

Foley's fixers are a group comprised of one person from each community within the portfolio who attend an on-site "fixer mixer" to pitch in and do whatever it takes--sweeping, raking, painting, etc.--to make the property look its very best. In exchange for their hard work and valuable help, the fixers are treated to breakfast, lunch, and some team-building fun. Check out a few photos from the lastest fixer mixer to see Foley's finest in action!

Thanks to Kim Gould, Community Manager at Anavia, for sharing this with Cool Stuff!

Wednesday, November 20, 2019 - 14:06

Last updated:
December 07, 2019