Farewell, Catie Jennings!

Printer-friendly versionPDF version Friday, May 27, 2016

We are sad to see Catie leave the Essex family but  wish her the best in her next adventure! Catie has been with the company for more than 7 years and has made many people laugh and smile. Below are just a few memories E-team members would like to share. Thank you, Catie! 

Rebecca Harvey: "What’s that? Is someone playing a Mariah Carey song? Nope, that’s just Catie walking through the office serenading the team. It has been a true pleasure working with Catie and an honor to call her my friend. She is always willing to help with a project, provide feedback on an idea or just share a short duet and dance break in the middle of the day. Her dedication to her job and her ability to make everyone feel like part of the family is something to admire. I will miss her constant ability to make me smile and the musical interludes that provided endless entertainment. Catie – you will be truly missed and in the words of Pocahontas… “You can paint with all the colors of the wind…'"
Mary Walton: "I met Catie my first year at Essex. She was my Assistant Manager but we quickly became friends. She would gather the leasing team in her office where she would read us daily affirmations that always seemed to help the life of one of us in that room. Nearly four years later, Catie and I are in the Corporate Office and the tradition continues (albeit the affirmations are now weekly). We performed an epic cheer routine at the NorCal Awards Ceremony and were a part of a leasing dream team!
Catie loves to tell the story of how she was with me on my first date with my now boyfriend. She often shows people a picture from that night and is adamant that she will be my flower girl if he and I ever get married (she wants the “fun” job).
Catie is always floating around the office with a song in her heart. She literally sings while working. I believe that Catie is a real life Disney movie.
Catie and I share a love of pizza and laughter. I will miss her more than I can express. I am so proud of her for listening to her heart and wish her so much joy and happiness in Georgia.
We’ll all miss you, Cater Tot!"
Christine Aiello: "Caty Jennings has to be one of my most memorable team members.  She always was willing to go the extra step and help whenever and where ever. She has enthusiastic, creative and just a little goofy at times. In 2009 we were leasing up Fourth & U in a tough market.  I have deployed leasing specialist from all over to help spread the word about the property.  Caty just didn’t hand out flyers- she stood on the corner of University Ave with a sign and a boom box dancing on the corner…. She thought of it on her own without encouragement (which is a little scary but tells you what a go getter she is J).  She is a one of a kind and I will truly miss her smiling face around the office.  It is a bitter sweet good bye as I am happy to see her move onto the next chapter, I am sure it will have a happy ending."

Shannon Ortega: "I have a lot of respect for Catie and her work ethic. Not only does she work hard but when times are stressful she knows just what song to start singing to make the whole office laugh and change their mood. I will miss working with Catie but I’m so excited for her next adventure."

Dana Germain: "Catie is everybody’s cheerleader and always so thoughtful and so much fun!  And she makes the best chocolate chip cookies ever!  I will miss her bubbly personality!  Friendship Floral Fridays and Polka Dot Tuesdays will never be the same!

Funny story to share, that time we were all chatting in the PA kitchen and the boss walked in.  We all disbursed immediately, including Catie and she was supposed to be in there.  Super funny!"

Arnetta Griffin: "What I will miss most about Catie J is her stopping by my square with a song to brighten my day. My morning sunshine.  I mean really, who else will come up with a theme for how to dress every day?  I love that chick.  I’ve never met anyone like her.  I’m going to miss her but we are friends now so I’m sure I will see her again."

Erin Lemmon: Coral Thursdays, Cheetos, and bacon. We bonded over the important things in life. I will miss Catie and her ray of sunshine that she spreads through the office. Who will write inspirational quotes on my wall now??

Michael Prescott:"I like to call her the CATER TOT. I still find it to be humorous… she referred to herself, Shannon Ortega, and myself as “The Tripod” when we worked together at Via."

Barbie Csore: "Catie is just a little ray of sunshine. She is always so willing to help and support the office. Most importantly, she does everything with a smile! She is quick to make you laugh and that will be sorely missed!"

Friday, May 27, 2016 - 08:15

Last updated:
June 03, 2016